Mosquito Treatments

Did you know, mosquitoes are the deadliest insect in the world? They kill more than 700,000 people every year, but through mosquito treatments and prevention, their numbers can be managed.

Mosquito bites are known to transmit viruses including Dengue Fever, Australian Encephalitis, Ross River Virus and Barmah Forrest Virus and Malaria.

In Australia, there are about 400 mosquito species but only approximately 10 are commonly abundant and can represent a serious threat to human health. Mosquitoes can also be a nuisance to humans who are trying to enjoy outdoor and recreational areas.

Mosquito breeding problem in your home?

If you need help with mosquito management, our experienced pest control team is available. We can provide advice on the best treatment options and products for you.

Effective mosquito control can help kill adult mosquitoes, eggs and larvae, as well as minimise mosquito bites and support disease control.

How can I help control mosquitoes?

People can reduce the potential breeding sites of mosquitoes by reducing stagnant water in ponds and other water bodies, fixing gutters and downpipe leaks, placing sand in the water trays of your pot plants, eliminating any stored rubbish and materials such as old tyres, or any vessel that would hold water. This is because different species of mosquito lay their eggs in a range of standing water bodies.


Q1. When are mosquitoes most active
Mosquitoes are most active in summer during dusk and dawn and breeding season occurs during months from September to April.
Q2. What do mosquitoes feed on
Only female mosquito’s feed on human or animal blood to provide them with protein for egg development. Otherwise, mosquito’s feed on nectar and plant fluids.
Q3. What factors attract mosquitoes to humans

Mosquitoes senses a variety of cues that signal a human is nearby, including:

  • Carbon dioxide
  • Skin odours
  • Body heat
Q4. How to limit mosquitos from breeding in your backyard
  • Clean up your yard and remove anything that can hold water, such as unused pots, containers, and tyres
  • Change water held in pet drinking bowls, bird baths and vases at lead once a week and more regularly in very warm weather
  • Regularly clean gutters and drains so water runs freely